Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Paste unformatted text in Word on Mac OS

This will be short and not very computer science-y, but I was making a list by pasting a bunch of items from various places on the web and Word kept formatting it according to the HTML (which I went around by first pasting the text in the Chrome bar and then copying that, because otherwise my lists would turn out wrong even if I did "match formatting"). Anyway, here's the smart way to do it.

Say we want to use Command+Shift+V to paste unformatted text (I think that's what it does in Windows by default-- well replace Command by Control obviously).

  • copy some internet formatted text (this bullet point works just fine)
  • go to Tools->Macro->Record New Macro...
  • type a name for the macro (can leave the default), eg: "PastePlainText"
  • click (on the exact center of) the "Keyboard" in "Assign macro to"
  • press "command" "shift" "v" on your keyboard in sequence
  • click "Assign" first
  • click "OK"
  • Go to Edit->Paste Special and select "Unformatted Text", click OK
  • Go to Tools->Macro->Stop recording
  • Go to Tools->Macro->Macros and highlight your "PastePlainText" macro, and click Edit
  • Replace "wdPasteDefault" with "wdFormatPlainText", save and return to Word (there's a blue W Word symbol in the toolbar there, click on that)
  • And, you're done!

P.S.: I thought there was a way to assign this by using System Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts but I just tried and that only works for actual Menu items, so the best that could do is open the "Paste Special" menu, so this is a far better solution.
P.P.S.: I learned this by watching this video. Not sure what that person gains if you click on the link, so do so, but I never got exactly why I'd watch a video instead of reading 5 bullet points (with images if something is very complicated). So, click on the video and then close it I guess. But thanks to the author anyway!
P.P.P.S.: I ended up using Ctrl+Shift+V because the other combination was already assigned to something (not sure what, didn't want to dig into it)

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Mac OS Finder Sidebar - Want the bookmark icons colored? Read on!

I just restarted my computer and was stuck again in no-color land for my Finder Bookmarks. I do not get their choice of making them all, well, basically the same. I know they wanted to be slick and all, but I find it just so confusing (and I miss previous Finder versions where the color of your icon could tell you automatically what you needed to click on). But enough of the editorial: if you're here you probably feel the same!

To get your wonderful color-coded icons back, you need to install a small program. You could download SIMBL, but I remember having problems with it, so download EasySIMBL.
Then download ColorfulSidebar and follow their instructions (basically open EasySIMBL and drag-and drop the ColorfulSidebar bundle there or in the SIMBL plugins folder). Make sure the bundle file is checked in the list, and also check "use SIMBL" at the top.

I think you may have to restart Finder (Either login and logout of Mac OS X, or just kill the Finder through the Terminal to relaunch it: killall Finder) though it worked automatically for me this time (I didn't go through the install process again, I just had to check "use SIMBL" after restarting my Mac).

Enjoy the colors!