Monday, February 11, 2013

Installing Bundler on Linux: A Tutorial

This is a mix of all the steps necessary to install Bundler + CMVS + PMVS2 on Ubuntu 11.10. I think other versions of Ubuntu work the same.

Edit: If you're interested in doing this, do yourself a favor and download the necessary files that I've modified form here (64-bit Ubuntu compatible) or from my GitHub repo here. The steps outlined below are actually not enough, you need to add the necessary flags to tell your compiler that you're compiling 32-bit compatible code.
I'd love to know if this helped, so let me know in the comments.

0.1 Pre-Install

These are the libraries you need to install before proceeding with the instalation. I've used Synaptic to install these on my system.
Install LAPACK, BLAS, CBLAS, MINPACK, f2c, libjpeg, libzip and imagemagick.
Optionally, also install gfortran and libmagicwand-dev (I installed them because it wasn't clear what I was supposed to install, so you might need them too).

0.2. Download

These are all the things you need to download (and unzip/untar). Also perform the steps in parenthesis.

0.3. Directory Structure

I've created a folder called Installs in my home directory.
Move the folders created above (bundler, pmvs2, clapack, cmvs, graclus1.2) to this Installs folder.

Edit your .bashrc file so that you set the library path correctly:


1. Installing Bundler 

> cd  Installs/bundler/src

Edit the Makefile such that the second line of code says:

OPTFLAGS=-O3 -Wall -fpermissive

The -fpermissive makes sure that warnings from previous versions of gcc are not treated as errors in the newer versions.

> make all

2. Installing PMVS2

> cd Installs/pmvs-2/program/base/numeric

Edit lines 6 and 7 say:

#include <f2c.h>
#include <clapack.h>

(instead of clapack/*.h)

> cd Installs/pmvs-2/program/main

Edit the MakeFile so that you have

YOURINCLUDEPATH = -I/home/user/Installs/clapack/
YOURLDLIBPATH = -L/home/user/Installs/graclus1.2/

> make clean
> make depend
> make

3. Installing Graclus

My system is a 32-bit system. If you're installing on a 64-bit system, make sure you change 32 to 64 everywhere below.

> cd Installs/graclus1.2

Edit Make sure


> make

4. Installing CMVS

My system is a 32-bit system. If you're installing on a 64-bit system, make sure you change 32 to 64 everywhere below.

> cd Installs/cmvs/program/main

Edit MakeFile such that you have set the numbits appropriately in this line (there are 2 instances)

CXXFLAGS_CMVS = -O2 -Wall -Wno-deprecated -DNUMBITS=32 \
        -fopenmp -DNUMBITS=32 ${OPENMP_FLAG}

Copy mylapack.o from pmvs2 to the cmvs directory.

> cd Installs
> cp pmvs-2/program/main/mylapack.o cmvs/program/main/

> cd cmvs/program/base/cmvs

Edit such that it includes the following libraries:

#include <vector>
#include <numeric>

> cd cmvs/program/main/

Edit such that it includes

#include <stdlib.h>

> cd cmvs/program/main/

Edit the MakeFile to set the dependencies (and comment out each line above each of these):

YOUR_INCLUDE_PATH = -I/home/adina/Installs/clapack/
YOUR_INCLUDE_METIS_PATH = -I/home/adina/Installs/graclus1.2/metisLib
YOUR_LDLIB_PATH = -L/home/adina/Installs/graclus1.2/

> make depends
> make

5. Run Bundler

> cd Installs/bundler/bin

Edit so that you have the focal length of the camera you use (line 293-ish).
     "SONY DSC-W80"                     => 5.75,   # 1/2.5"
     "Apple iPhone 4"                   => 3.85,
     "Panasonic DMC-FH1"                => 6.17, # 1/2.33"
     "Apple iPhone 4S"                  => 4.28, 

> cd Installs/bundler

Edit by adding these lines at the end:

sleep 1
echo "[- Running Bundle2PMVS -]"

$BASE_PATH/bin/Bundle2PMVS list.txt bundle/bundle.out

I made a script to run everything (edit the paths on the first line; to run, put it in the folder with the images)

> ./runBundler_linux


  1. Edit the MakeFile to set the dependencies (and comment out each line above each of these) thank you for the and comment out each line above these, dont know if its the lack of sleep but I missed it from another tut spent 30 min googling till i read yours A+

    1. Thanks a lot, it is so helpful. Also i want to use a script(a script to run everything (edit the paths on the first line; to run, put it in the folder with the images)) Could you give me correct URL for download?

    2. Also I got a error message, when i enter 'make all' while installing bundler in Cygwin sys.
      Makefile:48: 'bundler.exe' target failed.
      could you give me a hand?

    3. Also I got a error message, when i enter 'make all' while installing bundler in Cygwin sys.
      Makefile:48: 'bundler.exe' target failed.
      could you give me a hand?

    4. Sorry, the link is here:

      Unfortunately I don't now if this will work on cygwin..

  2. plus, while intalling pmvs2,
    fatal error : gsl/gsl_multimin.h : No such file or directory
    (I already have installed gsl)
    make : ***[pmvs.o] Error1

    could you help me ? :)
